Rooster Finds Homename


A little puppy named Rooster gets separated from his mother and siblings and has to make his way through woods, unfriendly yards, and lonely nights in search of a place to call home. Along the way he’s poked by turkeys, fed by a cat, and chased by a broom, all the while crying for his mother and hoping to be rescued. A policeman finds him, afraid and hiding, on the side of a road. Follow Rooster on his journey from a box in a shed to a home in a log cabin.


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A little puppy named Rooster gets separated from his mother and siblings and has to make his way through woods, unfriendly yards, and lonely nights in search of a place to call home. Along the way he’s poked by turkeys, fed by a cat, and chased by a broom, all the while crying for his mother and hoping to be rescued. A policeman finds him, afraid and hiding, on the side of a road. Follow Rooster on his journey from a box in a shed to a home in a log cabin.

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