The Polar Bearname


Look, I’m not going to waste my time and yours (more importantly) writing a summary of a book that you probably won’t read anyway. I could fill up this space with attention-grabbing catchphrases and Christian cliches, but the entire point of this book is the opposite of that. So if that’s what you’re looking for, then keep looking. But if you’re searching for a book that makes you laugh, makes you think, makes you angry, and makes you re-examine your walk with Christ, then plunk down the money already and let’s get it started. The Polar Bear awaits and I promise you won’t regret it.


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]PRAISE FOR WILL MONTGOMERY:
n“Will Montgomery has an uncanny eye for life…where others see the mundane, Will sees the laugh-out-loud humor. Where many experience indifference, he finds a unique and beautiful kind of love. And through the noise of a deafened world, Will hears the quiet whisper of God. He is a rare and relevant voice on everydayness in our culture.” — Karen Kingsbury, America’s #1 Inspirational Novelist and Speaker
n“Will Montgomery is a fresh voice who writes with passion and purpose. I can’t wait for other people to discover what I have in Will.”— Jon Acuff, bestselling Author of Quitter and Stuff Christians Like
n“Will Montgomery has profound wisdom in his writing and helps us all see from an eternal perspective.” — Sheri Rose Shepherd, bestselling Author of the His Princess books[/vc_column_text][cms_button custom_bs=”en-ct” dis_inline=”true” spa_right=”true” link_button=”|title:Amazon|target:%20_blank|” icon_button=”zmdi-favorite-outline” cms_template=”cms_button.php” color_btn=”#0f009e” color_btn_hover=”#b2b2b2″ color_text=”#ffffff” color_text_hover=”#0f009e” color_border=”#ffffff” color_border_hover=”#0f009e” color_bs=”#efefef” btn_radius=”5px”][cms_button align_button=”right” custom_bs=”en-ct” dis_inline=”true” spa_right=”true” link_button=”|title:Barnes%20%26%20Noble|target:%20_blank|” icon_button=”zmdi-favorite-outline” cms_template=”cms_button.php” color_btn=”#0f009e” color_btn_hover=”#b2b2b2″ color_text=”#ffffff” color_text_hover=”#0f009e” color_border=”#ffffff” color_border_hover=”#0f009e” color_bs=”#efefef” btn_radius=”5px”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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