Teen & Young Adult Fiction about Bullying If I Could Run

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Teen & Young Adult Fiction about Bullying (Books)
Date Published: May 2, 2019
Publisher: Mindstir Media
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The Girl: Bullied & Harassed
The Dog: Injured & Abandoned
Based on true events, this story takes place in the late 1950s. A young girl’s love for running propelled her to join the school cross country team. With only boys on the team, she faced bullying and ridicule. Finding an injured, abandoned dog proved to be her salvation. Together, the girl and the dog set out to face this daunting challenge.
Dedicated to every Child that has ever been Bullied.
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About the Author
 I wrote this story “If I Could Run” to tell my experience of being bullied when I was a Sophomore/Junior in high school in 1958/59. It was such a humiliating, depressing and agonizing time in my life. I can remember it so clearly 60 years later. Bullying is still so active in today`s society. However, I believe it is even worse with social media being so available. When I was going through my bullying experience, I could at least find peace and security at my home after school and on weekends. Now, social media allows a person to be bullied twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. My story tells how I was able to get through this horrible experience.
A movie producer picked up my story and together we produced the movie. Because we had the opportunity to have an up and coming young female star play the lead role, I changed the main character to be female instead of male. The movie is filmed on my farm, at my high school and in my town where the actual bullying occurred so many years ago. We entered it in film festivals around the country and it was received very positively, winning many prestigious awards.
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